asked 10 years ago

Hi, When i clicked next/prev navbar question list is opening too late.The page is waiting for 5-6 second.Some question list on q/a systems is opening very fast.Please help me about it. For example :  http://themeforest.net/item/qaengine-question-and-answer-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/7972399

When i clicked next/prev navbar, it is added p=2 code end of word.But for example if it is be http://www.xxxx.com/technicalquest/page/2/ it will be opening fastly.

if it be www.xxxx.com/technicalquest/page=2 , ajax/or jquery is activate.I hope that’s clear.

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

 For giving you better plugin both quality and performance, our plugin has been updating and improving everyweek. The current version of the plugin with bug fixes will be compatible with your theme and minimize the bugs. Of course, regarding your feedback, you’re always welcome. All make our plugins become better and better. Again, thanks for your feedback you shared, we highly appreciate it and hope that you can contribute more and more.

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