asked 11 years ago

Image Hosted by UploadHouse.com Currently I am syndicating some feeds using a 3rd party plugin as DW Social Feed is giving me problems (http://designwall.com/question/unable-to-save-any-social-feed/) . Let’s say with the image above, is it possible for me to have the post (whether it is a syndication or not) to be cut roughly at maybe 20 words? I do know that with the plugin that I am using Post Teaser can cut the post to any amount of words of my choosing but will only do so.. if it is my own posting. it will not do a teaser for RSS. Should I be using the tips written here – http://designwall.com/question/how-to-add-excerpt/ ? Also, if i am to use code given in that link; will i have to key-in into the excerpt section everytime or will it cut off based on the words from the feed syndicated/ post which i have written?

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

1. The DW Social feed issue, please take a look at this answer at http://designwall.com/question/unable-to-save-any-social-feed/
2. To resolve issue about shortening post on front page in the DW Wall, you can follow the Answer  in the link: http://designwall.com/question/how-to-add-excerpt/

Please come back to us if there is any problem, we will help you solve it

replied 11 years ago
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