Martin Wehding
asked 11 years ago

I’m translating the DW Focus front-end. I’m using “loco translate” which seems to work fine. But, I do have a problem with “BY” (No problem with “ON”) and the date is still in english (not the formatting, but the words).
all the best

2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

– To translate “By” in the DW Focus, You can open the following  files in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-focus\inc\widgets”

dw-focus-categories.php – line 356

dw-focus-latest-comments.php – line 59

dw-focus-recent-pots.php – line  70

dw-focus-slider.php – line 100

– To change the Date section on the DW Focus, You can log in to Dashboard > Settings > General Setting.
See the screenshot: Hope this helps !

Martin Wehding
replied 11 years ago

Hi Dominic
Why is the "By" not translatable through the .po file?
Otherwise i'll have to retranslate for every update (or make a child theme)
Regarding the Date. As I mentioned i my question, it's not the formatting I want to change. It's the words "January"->"Januar" etc. etc. If i change the theme to one of the wordpress-bundled themes or one of the woo-themes i have, the date is translated perfectly. So, there is something in the Focus theme, that ignores the wordpress translation.
Btw. everytime i make changes in Dashboard > Settings > General Setting. the Theme options are reset. Logo is changed back to the focus logo, plus menu is reset etc.

all the best

answered 11 years ago

Hi Martin !
Currently, DW Focus does not yet support translate through the .po file. So, You can change the “By” in the files.
If you want to translate the date of the DW Focus, You can open the locale.php file in the “\wp-includes” folder.
– When you change in the General Setting. The theme option are reset, You can send me username & password your site for further checking.
Hope this helps !

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