Memon Juned
asked 8 years ago

There is any possible way to remove Category And Title From Main DW Questions, I want only question, name and email as variable, and it must be linked as http://websit/pre-defined-category/question

1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

Hi Memon Juned,

Step 1: Please add the code below to wp-content/themes/your-themes-folder/style.css

.dwqa-container .dwqa-content-edit-form .dwqa-search,
.dwqa-container .dwqa-content-edit-form label[for=question-category],
.dwqa-container .dwqa-content-edit-form input[name=question-category] {
     display: none;

Step 2: Go to wp-content/plugins/dw-question-answer/inc/Handle.php then remove the code from line 293 to 296

if ( empty( $_POST['question-title'] ) ) {
	dwqa_add_notice( __( 'You must enter a valid question title.', 'dwqa' ), 'error' );
	return false;

Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Memon Juned
replied 8 years ago

After implementing your code I got the following result:
<h1>The page isn’t working</h1>
<strong></strong> is currently unable to handle this request.
<div class="error-code">HTTP ERROR 500</div>

Memon Juned
replied 8 years ago

my website stopped working

replied 8 years ago

Hi Memon Juned,

Please send me your FTP account and I will help you solve your problem.

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