I love DW Page but have a problem, very soon before the site has to launch.
On desktops, I click a Portfolio or Blog image/link and it opens a pop-up (modal?) window.
On mobile, the DW Page demo site expands the portfolio/blog entry’s content in a box underneath, but on my site, nothing happens – no popup window, no content expanding underneath on click.
Which files and code control this functionality, please, as I may have deleted or modified it when working on the site?
Many thanks in advance for any help!
1 Answers
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replied 10 years ago
You can try looking in dw-page/inc/assets/js/modal_on_mobile.js . Maybe it’s java script conflict or you missing class to trigger the js.
replied 10 years ago
I have reverted to the original modal_on_mobile.js but the functionality is still not working on mobile.
replied 10 years ago
@Nick JohnSon : sorry for late reply , for that bug , you can try open file open file functions.php delete all those code look like this:
Even in child theme.Sorry for that bug, we gonna fix it right away.