Peter Janssen
asked 6 years ago

After upgrading from version 1.5.4 to 1.5.5 suddenly all private questions are public visible by every user. Is there a way to fix that? Rather sooner than later…
Much appreciated,

3 Answers
answered 6 years ago

We have tested on our local and the plugin still work fine. Please send me the username & password of your site for further checking.

Peter Janssen
answered 6 years ago

We downgraded to the previous version (1.5.4), and everything is working again as expected.
Since v1.5.5 breaks our system, we’ll stick to this previous version for the time being.

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

This is very important with our plugin. If you agree, you can provide an account to check this issue. We will update it in the next version if it’s bug come from the plugin. We have checked on our demo and localhost and the plugin still works fine.
Of you can send me a screenshot for further checking. Thanks!
looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Peter Janssen
answered 6 years ago

I would like to provide further “live” information about the behaviour of v1.5.5 in our system, but our system is currently using the older version v1.5.4. The only way I can provide further information is to upgrade to v1.5.5, and than each user of the system can immediately see the private questions of all other users in the list of questions. And that is not acceptable for the business at the moment.
What I can provide however is a more detailed description of what I have observed with v1.5.5:
1) the list of questions showed all public questions and all private questions of all users
2) as normal each private question had the prefix “Private: ” in front of the title
3) clicking on a private question from another user led to 404 “Page not found”
Perhaps good to know is that we use the plugin translated to another language (Dutch to be precise).
Hope this helps. In the meantime I will keep my eyes open for an opportunity to run v1.5.5 briefly.

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

Thank for your help. We will check and discuss about this issue. Or you can send me your theme via email: [email protected], we will install the plugin in your theme for further checking.

Peter Janssen
replied 6 years ago

I sent you an email.

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

I will check the email now. Thank for your help!

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