DW Focus comes up with a tons of flexible features in Theme Setting tab.From the Theme Settings panel you will be able to assign the front-end content page, select post navigation, change the positions of the sidebar, change color of the text, link and background, social icons and a lot more. Just navigate to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Theme Settings.

General Setting

Front Page Content: Select the front page in Posts List / News List or Sidebar: Home Content.

Content Layout: Allow to select the content layout in the list or grid layout.

Post Navigation: Allow to select the navigation for the posts in paging or next / previous.

Site Layout: You can Choose between Boxed and Wide layout

Sidebar Position: Let you select right or left sidebar quickly.

Custom CSS: Allow you to insert the customizable CSS here.

Tracking Code: Allow you to paste your google analytics or other tracking code.

Space before </head>: Allow to add code before </head> tag.


Link Color: Select the color of the link.

Link Hover Color: Select the color of the link when you hover over.

Body Text: Select the font family, size, line height, color for the body font.

Heading: Select the font family, line height , color for the heading font.

Font Size H1 – 6: Select font size for the heading 1 – heading 6.


Logo Image: Upload the logo for the website. If you leave this field blank, the text will be shown.

Header Background: Choose the background color for the header.

Must Read Articles: Enable / Disable the Must Read Articles feature.

Number of post to show: Number of posts of the Must Read Articles section.

Text under number: The text will be shown under the number of posts in the Must Read Articles section.

Login link: Show/hide the login link at the front-end.

RSS link: show/ hide the RSS link.

Social Links: If you want to show the social links, keep this option checked, an additional field will be shown and lets you add the social links.


Footer Logo: Upload the footer logo for the website. This logo will be displayed on the footer.

Footer Background: Select the background color of the footer.

Footer Text Color: Select the color of the text on the footer.

Footer Link Color: Select the color of the link on the footer.

Footer Link Hover Color: Select the color of the link on the footer when you hover over.

Footer Line Color: Select the color of the line between each section.