hey im trying to change the language of the theme, but when i do so the menu dosent work…
so is there a diffrent way ?
thank you
We are checking on our side and will soon give you the solution.
Please bear with us!
To resolve the Menu issue when you translate theme. You can open the script.js file in the folder path “wp-content\themes\dw-page-modern\inc\assets\js” then add the following code to the line 162.
des = des.replace('#','');
des = jQuery('[id="'+des+'"]');
See the screenshot:
hey friend, your solution worked great, the pages are now scrolling.
but its made a small problem, now as the menu in difrent language
as i click on menu link its supposed to change to “hover” color,
it’s works only if the menu is in english.
u may see here, http://bizpage.co.il/ru try to press on the links.
the links need to be white on the sections that they are, but its only works on english menu links.
thank you
To resolve the issue in the menu. You can open the framework.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-page-modern\inc” then add the following code to:
Line 200:
<section id="<?php echo str_replace("%","", sanitize_title($title)); ?>" class="section <?php echo $classes ?>">
Line 312:
<a href="#<?php echo str_replace("%","", $menu_id); ?>">
Hope this helps !
yes worked! 🙂
but created another small problem, now as i move with the links the URL changes to http://URL.co.il/%5Bobject%20Object%5D
if i refresh the page it goes to 404. how to make look like before ?
To resolve the issue, please log in to Dashboard > Settings > Permalink then change the permalink for the site.
See the screenshot:
If you still face there issue, Please make a private answer and send me username & password of your site for further checking.
Hi Stas !
Please open the script.js file in the folder path “wp-content\themes\dw-page-modern\inc\assets\js” then remove the following code at the line 162.
des = des.replace('#','');
des = jQuery('[id="'+des+'"]');
Hope this helps !
all worked!!!!!
Dear Dominic,
I have followed the steps mentioned higher. However I have a problem with URLs.
For other languages it shows for example: http://wedding.mpcijevan.com/#d0bdd0b0d181d0b0d181d0b0
I would like to ask you to have a look at my website: wedding.mpcijevan.com
Hello Areg !
Please send me username & password of your site (via private answer) for further checking.
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