On a single page, can you remove the side column and do a full-width page?
Hello Christopher Buck!
Step1: I sent you the file “template-fullwidth.php”, please upload this file to the folder (for example) wp-content\themes\dw-focus
link download file : http://www.mediafire.com/download/469sbszsawbzqw8/template-fullwidth.php
Step 2: log in to Dashboard > Page > add new > Page Attributes > template > choose the file you have just uploaded into theme item. We named it ” Fullwidth “, but you can change the name inside the file ” template-fullwidth.php”
Step 3: go to menu > choose a page you have just created > add new menu, you can choose any place you want >>> save.
See front-end screenshot: http://imgur.com/1xgwikB
There is a border of the page, and to remove this border, you log in to Dashboard > theme option > add the following code :
.page-template-template-fullwidth-php .row {
background-image: none !important;
I have managed to successfully install this template, however images aren’t taking advantage of the larger space, despite uploading a higher resolution image.
Hi, I followed the above instructions and the full-width template for a page doesn’t show in the dropdown for the page attributes. I saved the file in the theme’s main folder. Is there something I need to do to get the theme to recognize the file? Thanks.
Also wondering if there is a way to get a full with post rather than a page.
I just looked at that file in the link above that is supposedly for a full width template and it looks like malware. It is NOT a template for wordpress. It doesn’t even start with the proper code.
I resolved this myself to create a full with post using the Post Template Plugin. I took the single.php file and saved it as template-fullwidth.php. I deleted the line near the bottom for the sidebar. I then replaced the php opening
* The Template for displaying all single posts.
* @package DW Focus
* @since DW Focus 1.0
with this:
* Template Name: Full-Width
* @package DW Focus
* @since DW Focus 1.0
I then changed the class id in that file from site-content and span9 to site-contentfw and span9fw
and added this css to the theme css file:
.site-contentfw .entry-action { display: none; }
which hides the share action box on the left. I use Sharaholic plugin for that need.
and this:
.span9fw {width: 1040px !important }
to make the text expand to the right.
I still haven’t got that vertical gray line to disappear, but will try later.
Sorry if any of this is not right. Seems to be working for me.
By the way, to get rid of the vertical gray line at the edge of where the side bar was, add this css:
.span9fw { background: white; }
I think you have resolved issue. I appreciate it.
I still don’t get it. I don’t have any “span9” class id in my single.php. How to make my posts (http://blog.ugowski.pl/test/zazolc-gesla-jazn-juz-teraz-sposob-na-celulit/) wide like this page (http://blog.ugowski.pl/kontakt/)?
In the answer before is for DW Forcus theme.
To resolve the issue in your site, you can add the following code to the style.css file:
.primary-inner {
margin-right: 20px;
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