Hi, I really want to remove the large header text on each of my blog pages – is there any way of doing this?
url for one of the pages is http://theretailroom.co.uk/case-studies/fashion-flash/
The large text is not visible at the moment as it is white, same as the background colour. I’d like to just remove this text completely.
1 Answers
Hope that you are well today. To remove the large header on blogs, please follow the jetpack’s guideline in the Blog article on how to use Edit CSS here. http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/blog/using-jetpack-custom-css-for-your-wordpress-site/
After that, just add the following code to the Edit Css.
.headline .entry-title {
display: none;
I’m great thanks – will give this a go! many thanks
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