asked 7 years ago

Hi There,
I’m looking to install the Q&A plugin on a website. I’d be interested in categorising the questions so that I can direct people to a filtered list of questions based on their topic. Is this possible?
The other question I’ve got is can you set the plugin up to allow any registered user to reply to questions?
Finally, I’m wondering if a member that is registered as a WordPress user on the site, is also registered as a user on the Q&A plugin?
I’d be interested to hear your views on these.

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

At the moment, the plugin has supported the categories shortcode to help you show the question list of categories on a page and the plugin has provided the shortcode for the submit form for each category.
So, you can create the page for the categories question.
 You can configure to allow any registered user to reply to questions and a member that is registered as a WordPress user on the site, is also registered as a user on the Q&A plugin.

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