Hi guys,
I had my wordpress blog under http://www.makeyourlifeagame.com and have moved it to blog.makeyourlifeagame.com in order to have a flat html site/landing page on http://www.makeyourlifeagame.com instead.
Everything is working well, htaccess file has been edited to redirect old blog url to new url, but I dont manage to login on .com/wp-admin. The page just refreshes and empty the fields, and reset password doesnt work neither. Any ideas on how to solve this?
Hello Etienne !
To resolve the issue when you can not login after moving the blog to another directory, you easily revert it back by accessing your MySQL database, accessing the “wp_options” table and you will see the “siteurl” row with the value of your site url listed likely right in the first row. Hit “Edit” change it back to what it should be, and you are good to go.
Hope this helps !
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replied 11 years ago
Solved, thanks! That was the correct solution 🙂