I have 60 post question and limit per page question are 50, then when I press the second page it’s always showing “It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.” the next Button also did the same problem.
Please help.
You should try to limit per page question are 30 or 35. Also, you can use try to disable the plugins. Please send me the username & password of your site if you still face their issue.
Hai, I tried limit 30 already, it’s cant work
when i access the mydomain/question/page/2 -> its return 404 Pge Not Found.
Should i try to disable and enable the plugin?
Thank you
I did Disable and Enable the plugin, but still got 404 page Not found or “It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.”
Hai, I tried limit 30 already, it’s cant work
when i access the mydomain/question/page/2 -> its return 404 Pge Not Found.
Should i try to disable and enable the plugin?
I did Disable and Enable the plugin, but still got 404 page Not found or “It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.”
Please send me the username & password of your site if you still face their issue.
i send to you with private answer, please help Dominic,
Thank you,
I have checked and see that the plugin conflict with the Reading section of the WordPress. Please change the number here: https://prnt.sc/svr336
Hai Dominic, you’re right, Thanks for helping on checking,
Best Regards,
You’re welcome, you can let me know if you have any issues or question.
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