Jon Dufort
asked 6 years ago

I want to update theme but certain things disappear that I wouldn’t think would. Like the social media links in the header disappear. I use Double Click for Publishers to serve ads on the site. The code that delivers the ad is contained within a widget, but there is some code that needs to go in the header.  I thought I could just use the space in Theme Options called “Space before </head>”, but when I do the ads stop serving. Is a child theme the only way to use DFP ads?
in  Custom CSS in theme options disappears when I update theme

3 Answers
answered 6 years ago

Please send me username & password of your site and some screenshot for further checking.

Jon Dufort
replied 6 years ago

is there a box i need to check to make sure when I send the password it is private (won’t appear under comments) I don’t want to pull a boneheaded move here.

Jon Dufort
replied 6 years ago

earliest and most obvious thing that happens when I update the theme, the Roboto font disappears and menu font turns to some generic serif font

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

I have removed your account in the previous comment. Please use the following option to sent a private answer.
See the screenshot:
Also, give me your site URL and account.

answered 6 years ago

I have installed the DW Focus 1.3.5 in your site and update the child theme then I have activated the Child Theme. 
In your case, you should use the child theme to custom the theme. 
Please check and let me know if you have any issue. 

Jon Dufort
answered 6 years ago

MOstly it is ok, Thank you. The one oddity is that the navigation menu font is not Roboto. Looks  like it is selected. heading in footer menu, same thing. where do i how can i change that back?

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

You can go to the Dashboard > Theme Settings > General.

Jon Dufort
replied 6 years ago

That’s what I mean. I set Heading as Roboto Slab in Theme Settings Typography, but it looks like Times

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

You can check your site now, I have helped you resolve this issue.

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