When DW Q&A Pro is activate the Lost Password and My Account pages no longer function. When I deactivate the Plugin the functionality works. Is there a known bug or fix?
Please advise.
Please send me your username & password of your site for further checking, you can use the private answer option to send your account.
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/ma03ue
I’m sorry but the site is behind a firewall so I can not provide this information.
Are there any known conflicts with Woocommerce? As I mentioned, when I select “My Account”, it opens the login screen. If you select Forgot Password, the page refreshes and only displays the login screen again.
When I deactivate the DW Q&A plugin the Forgot Password link works and displays the Forgot Password message and email field.
Best regards
I sent and notified to our technical team about this issue, we will check and let you know about this issue as soon as possible.
We have tested on our demo and the Woocommerce My Account Lost Password still works fine. I think this issue comes from your site. Please send me your Theme folder, we will check on our local to check this issue.
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