Hi, I’m no longer using the image zoom/fancybox on the homepage and now just have the thumbnail’s clicking through to the full-size images which works great for my needs – I did this just with the css. The problem I’m having according to firefox dev tools is that the full-size images are still being loaded alongside thumbnails in the background which is slowing page load times without any benefit.
I did try digging around in the code deleting a few things but in truth I don’t really know what I’m doing!
It would be really helpful if you could tell me what to change so that the homepage loads only the thumbnails.
Thanks very much,
Found the answer to this myself π
Deleted the following lines from content.php, doesn’t seem to have broken anything I’m using and the homepage loads way way faster now.
<div class=”item-content”>
<?php if ( is_search() ) : ?>
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php the_content(”); ?>
<?php wp_link_pages( array( ‘before’ => ‘<div class=”item-link-pages”><span> ‘ . __( ‘Pages:’, ‘dw-wallpress’ ) . ‘</span>’, ‘after’ => ‘</div>’ ) ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Hi alex did you tried search feature in your site after this change i think thats the thing that would have got broken on your site after doing the above changes and would be unnoticed
You may be correct there, I’m not able to check as I removed the search function from my site.
for speeding up your site you there are three basic things you should instead of removing that code because the code you removed just wiped the search functionality which is not at all related to your site speed so here are the things:
Install and enable a caching plugin i think wp total cache or whatever you think is best,install ewwww imaage optimizer plugin for reducing you image size without any loss in quality,enable gzip compression check out the speed of my site after i followed the suggestions i gave from here http://brainlubricator.com/5-most-interesting-features-android-kitkat/ it turns faster if its not the fisrt visit of your site visitors
Well it does work it just also happens to remove the search functionality as well. My guess is that this is the part that does it: ..But it doesn’t matter to me as I don’t have a search function with my site as it’s purely image-based.
i am not completely sure but removing that ” (quote) sign may also serve the same purpose but i am saying this again that i am not sure and if you are good without search feature then its all good but having those things done (the ones i said above ) may add up extra speed to your site tk cr thanks π
Those things you suggested were the first things I did to improve general site speed. My issue was to do with images being loaded twice due to the functionality of the fancybox/image zoom. Without those lines of code the images no longer load twice so I am 100% certain this works. Thanks for your input.
i got your point now thanks π
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