Some people have problem about Instagram in DW fixel, I think.
In my website, Instagram is now displaying, but something like translucent focus does’t work well.
I added “.htaccess”file, and I could display Instagram on my socialwall (top page).
And watched this post: http://designwall.com/question/instagram-tile-throwing-an-error/
But, something wrong…
Please teach me what I mistake about this problem.
Thank you.
Please download and update the latest version of DW Fixel from DW Product page (http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/wordpress/themes/dw-fixel/ ). This will help you to fix problem.
Hi, Dominic
I updated new DW fixel ver1.0.5, and solved this problem.
Thank you!!
I am having a similar issue. The module worked when I create the site a month ago, but has stopped working. How can I update just that portion of the template? URL is ScottEggert.net.
We are checking & fixing it as fast as possible.
Do you have a fix for this yet? My website looks pretty silly.
We have fixed this issue. Right now, you can download the latest version 1.0.7 of DW Fixel theme in your profile now.
Hi, Dominic.
I'm sorry to reply to you too late.
I installed new DWfixel ver.1.0.7, but this instagram issue has not resolved yet.
Don’t worry, this bug comes from Instagram and we have just released an update version of the DW Fixel theme with bug fixes. Also, we made it compatible with the WordPress latest version 3.9, please go to your profile page on our DesignWall to download and update as well. Please note that, in latest version, to display the Instagram box properly, you need to follow our instruction below:
– Firstly, go to http://instagram.com/developer to register an Instagram API client ID. You can follow here to know how to get Instagram client ID.
– Then log into Dashboard >> Pages >> Social Wall Homepage, scroll down and go to the Instagram section to enter your Instagram client ID that you have just done above.
– In Instagram Username box, you don’t need to use “@” before your username, just your username.
That’s all. Press ” Update” button to save all settings. Go to front-end to see how that works.
Let us know if you have anything else, my friend 🙂 Regards,
How do I update my template without losing other modifications I have made? Is there a fix for just this module?
you can overwrite the theme folder via FTP. If you don’t want to lost all changes that you customized, before updating the latest version, please mark and copy all files that you edited, then implement to update the version 1.0.7.
After finishing, you add all codes that you customized in the old files to your theme.
Note: you can find here for the document guide on how to upgrade the theme: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/how-to-upgrade-a-wordpress-theme-even-if-its-customized/
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