could you please help me adding "SHOW" author’s image option in DW Focus: Tabs widget? or can you please help me find the php file for the "entry-meta" part? the one that displays the "date" of the post was posted because i am planning to add time to it.
Your quick help will really appreciated!
I was still not clear about what you want. The DW Focus: Tabs widget, just support to put some other widget into Tabs widget. Please tell me detail about it and send me a screenshot for further checking.
hi, please answer my reply, it’s been 2 days since i’ve been checking this question. i really need to finish this asap.. thanks!
thank you for your quick reply, i appreciate it!
i would just like to add author avatar or embed a picture and an extra span ([ VIP ]) tag in this area (http://snag.gy/W1Pya.jpg)..
I have checked your image, I think you have used the old version of the DW Focus. If you want to display the author image in the widget, you can send me username & password of your site (via private answer) I will help you resolve it.
hi, thank you for your help. already did this by modifying dw-focus-recent-posts.php
I appreciate it, my friend.
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