Hello, twitter widget is not working. Using from:murattekmen but not working still. How can we fix that?
Hello Murat Tekmen !
We used the twitter api 1.0 and now it stopped providing services for this api. We are upgrading the plugin and will let you know as soon as we finish it.
Sorry about this inconvenience.
Hello Dominic, thank you for your answer. Waiting news from you then,
Hi Murat,
We have released DW Twitter plugin to support Twitter API 1.1.
This plugin will solve all the issues you are having with Twitter feeds. Please kindly download and install the plugin into your site.
Download URL: http://designwall.com/wordpress/plugins/dw-twitter/
You can read our blog post for more info: http://designwall.com/blog/wordpress-twitter-plugin-with-new-twitter-api/
Hope this helps!
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