asked 6 years ago

Hello again 🙂
Sorry I’m asking more questions :D, that’s because i really happy to found your plugin 🙂
1- There are any hope for creating ” Ajax infinite scroll with spinner ” inside the notifications list items? same as Facebook!
2- Any hope for creating template page for the full notifications items with Ajax infinite scroll too? because the notifications list get only 20 post!
3- Any hope for push notifications system in both Desktop and Mobile?
4- Inside notifications-item.php I tried to get the post author avatar and his name before the post thumbnail and title like what you did when someone answer or mention in Q&A plugin,
ex: {avatar} {name} “Published new post” {thumbnail} { title} {time}
What i did :
$post_author_id = get_post_field( ‘post_author’, $notification->ID );
$author_name = get_the_author_meta( ‘display_name’ , $post_author_id );

<?php echo get_avatar( $post_author_id, 48 ); ?>
<?php echo $author_name; ?>
But it always return admin avatar and name! because all the blog posts is pending until i published them.
Thanks & Regards.

Adham Mohamed
replied 6 years ago

Sorry 🙁
5- Display Notifications count in the Browser Tab.

3 Answers
answered 6 years ago

Thank for your feedback, we have checked the plugin:
1 + 2/ At the moment, the plugin does not support this feature. I sent and notification into our technical team. We will discuss about these features in the next week. 
3/ The plugin does not support to push notifications system in both Desktop and Mobile.
4/ We will check and help you custom the plugin in the Tomorrow. 
5/ We will check this feature in the next week.

Adham Mohamed
replied 6 years ago

Thanks so much @Dominic, I’m highly appreciated for your help and support.

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

Please send me your email, we will send you the latest version of the plugin, please help us test this version 🙂

Adham Mohamed
replied 6 years ago

Hello, Thanks bro, Ok.
email : [email protected]
I’ll test it and give you feedback soon as possible.

answered 6 years ago

About the avartar, you can use the following code in the functions.php file:

add_filter('dwnotif_insert_wp_post_data', 'custom_dwnotif_insert_wp_post_data', 10, 3);
function custom_dwnotif_insert_wp_post_data($notif, $post_ID, $post){
$avatar_url = get_avatar_url( $post->post_author, array( 'size' => 48 ) );
$notif['image'] = $avatar_url;
return $notif;
Adham Mohamed
replied 6 years ago

Sorry @Dominic, maybe i didn’t explain it well to you.

I don’t need to replace post thumbnails with author avatar!
What i’m looking for to add the post author avatar and name beside post thumbnail and title.

Like what i explained above:
{post author avatar} {post author name} Published new post {post title} {post thumbnail}

btw, when i used this snippet, it return author avatar url link, not his image!


Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

Yes, please check your email now.

Adham Mohamed
answered 6 years ago

I really want to thank you for the new version of DW Notifications, Looks amazing man, Good job.
I found a small issues,
1- The post thumbnail came with the full image size and it should be with small size for fast loading.
2- when i created a new notification post from the post type, The notifications items and popup came twice.
3- I’m using another plugin called ” Front End PM ” and he also using the browser tab Counter! the problem is if the tab already has a counter! your plugin remove it for creating new counter and i think it should be something like incrementing with the old counter not removing them.
Here are some susggtions if you would like to add them into the plugin.
4- Notifications sound with option on front end for the users to check/uncheck for playing sound.
5- Option on front end for the users to get Notifications or not e.g. ” Off/On “.
6- Inside the Notifications list should have an button for the new shortcode All List e.g. ” See All “.

Adham Mohamed
replied 6 years ago

7- Send HTML email with unsubscribe link, for who don’t need to recived emails.

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

Thank for your feedback. We will check and discuss it.

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