Dave Metcalfe
asked 10 years ago

I have installed DWQA on my site http://www.csquadronscotsdglad.co.uk. I have used the right sidebar on a few pages to display a PayPal widget, but disabled it on the rest. When posting a question and clicking on the Ask Question button the page that appears with the right sidebar visible with the PayPal widget. How do I turn this off?
I have done this on the other pages by selecting Fullwidth under the template setting. But the Ask Question page doesn’t appear to have this option, and I can’t see the page in the All Pages section.
Can you help…..?

2 Answers
answered 10 years ago

To resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the style.css file:

.single-dwqa-question .secondary { display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question #content { width: 100%; }

Hope this helps !

Dave Metcalfe
replied 10 years ago

Thanks Dominic, I’ve added the code but it hasn’t solved the problem. I assume I have added it incorrectly, is there a particular syntax I should add with it, or in a particular place in the Style.css file.I accessed the file through Appearance/Editor/Stylesheet (Style.css).I added it right at the end and Copy|Pasted it as you typed it.

Dominic Staff
replied 10 years ago

You can send me username & password of your site (via private answer) for further checking.Regards,

answered 10 years ago

Right now, you can check your site, I have helped you resolve this issue.

Dave Metcalfe
replied 10 years ago

Excellent, thank you Dominic, it does indeed work. How did you do it..? I am aware that you will be busy with the other questions you are helping with, but if you have time I’d love to know how you did it. My understanding of code is improving all of the time but it’s not at the ‘solve any problem stage’ by any means…..

Dominic Staff
replied 10 years ago

You have confused with the position of line code. Please see the following screenshot:
older code: http://prntscr.com/5axxam
My fix: http://prntscr.com/5axz4i

Dave Metcalfe
replied 10 years ago

Sorry Dominic, that was a basic mistake. Back to the books for me…….!Thanks again for your help……

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