I like DW Notifications plugin but I need to translate it to Arabic language. can you attach .pot file please?
Thank for your interesting in our product. We are checking and update the language file now.
Great waiting for the files as soon as possible PLEASE and after I will send it back to you so your customers can use it n Arabic language
Thank you, you can send me your file via email: [email protected]. And now, you can download the plugin. We have updated the language file into plugin.
Sure but after I download the plugin I couldn’t find any .pot language file
You can download the plugin now. I have checked and fixed the download link.
Done and Sent 🙂
Thank you, I have checked our email and I can not find your email. Please check it and send me your files.
I resend it already.
Thank you, I have got your language files. We are updating the files to the plugin.
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