Michael Mann
asked 12 years ago

Hey there,

Great theme. Just a quick question:  I was wondering how you adjust the background colors of pages? I’ve trimmed the quick install down to 4 pages.

Right now it goes

Home (black)

About (white)

Portfolio (black)

Contact  (black)

Would like either portfolio or contact to be white.


Thanks so much!



2 Answers
Michael Mann
answered 12 years ago

I figured it out so I’ll let everyone else know.


On the menus page, hit screen options in the top right hand corner. Under show advanced menu properties, select reveal CSS Classes. You will now be able to change the color of the page by adjusting or removing the code.

answered 12 years ago

Hello Michael Mann!
If you want to change the background color for each page, you can open the file Style.css and do as following:
– For Home page, add the following code
#home {
background-color: #000;
– Contact page:
#contact {
background-color: #…;
– Portfolio page
#portfolio {
background-color: #…;
If you have any difficulty, feel free to send s your site and we will help you out.

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