asked 12 years ago

(1) I want to get rid of the ‘we’re hiring’ part under our team. How do I get rid of that?

(2) The DW and PAGE up in the top left corner, where is that turned on/off?

(3) Happy Clients, “we’re trusted by over 20,000 customers”, how do I edit that tagline?

Visit http://5sn1.com to see the page I’m building using your theme if you have any questions.

2 Answers
answered 12 years ago

1. If you want to remove the “We’re Hiring”. you can log in to Dashboard > Users > Hire and delete the content in the textbox.

2. The DW and PAGE that you mention is the logo of the site, you can change the logo with your own image. To change the logo: open the file style.css / line 309. Replace the image name here:

.navbar .brand {

   background-image: url("assets/img/logo.png");


Also, you can replace the image file name in the folder img with your image title name.

3. To change that tagline “we’re trusted by over 20,000 customers”, you can log in to Dashboard > Pages > Happy Clients.

see the screenshot : http://imgur.com/SjIWFg1
Hope this helps!

answered 12 years ago

OK–(1) was easy once you pointed it out! For whatever reason I never saw the ‘Hire’ option under Users.

(2) Also easy. I expected it to be within the admin interface, normally themes have a place to upload a logo–and I wasn’t sure if it was a logo anyway, I didn’t investigate it too much honestly. I figured I’d ask while I was asking about the other things.

(3) I never saw it, because I have ‘excerpt’ hidden by default apparently. So once I turned that on I was able to fix/remove it.

Dominic Staff
replied 12 years ago

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