Hello. Thanks for the wonderful plugin. I have a challenge, meta description for questions dont start with the details of the questions. Below is an example:
Can you be allergic to jewelry? – TrustOrRun
Open. Public. Health & Medical. Profile photo of wale. wale asked 2 days ago. Is it possible to be allergic to jewelry made of metal. My skin seems to be reacting ..
Is there a way to remove the "open. public….." and just have " is it possible to be allergic to …."
Thank you. Hope to hear from you.
If you want to remove the "open. public….." you can add the following code to the style.css file:
/*** Remove Open & public**/
.dwqa-single-question .status-open .dwqa-status-name {
display: none;
.dwqa-single-question .dwqa-current-privacy {
display: none;
/*** Remove Categories**/
.dwqa-single-question .dwqa-question .dwqa-category {
display: none;
/*** Remove Author(avatar + name) & date**/
.dwqa-single-question .dwqa-question .dwqa-author, .dwqa-single-question .dwqa-answer .dwqa-author {
display: none;
Result after adding code: http://prntscr.com/7himm4
Hope this helps !
thanks. applied it. will observe and get back to u.
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