[email protected]
asked 7 years ago

I just installed version 1.4.5 of Q&A. I cannot see how to send a email notification to the author of the question. So, when a question is submitted I would like to send an email to the author (not follower). Like wise after the question is answered I would like to send out an email to the author of the question that it has been answered.
Is this possible? I thought if I had a templete like {authoremail} I could put it in the forward – but I do not see this.
Any help would be great!

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

In the DW Q&A, you need to setting the notification section in the Back-end. Also,  you need to install the wpMandrill or WP Mail SMTP to send the email. I think you should install the Gmail SMTP plugin.

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