Ichigo Ichigo
asked 10 years ago

I replaced the loading javascript when scrolling down with a paginavi instead,
I want to put content under the pagi navi, when it’s just text it works fine,
But when I want to insert the following code, it won’t show up, would you know what the problem is?

<div id=”_fukugan_6901df7dc77ea63d578c311a17d6dbf5″></div><script id=”_fukugan_loader_6901df7dc77ea63d578c311a17d6dbf5″ type=”text/javascript”>(function(url){var iframe=document.createElement(‘iframe’);(iframe.frameElement||iframe).style.cssText=”width: 0; height: 0; border: 0″;iframe.src=”javascript:false”;var where=document.getElementById(‘_fukugan_loader_6901df7dc77ea63d578c311a17d6dbf5’);where.parentNode.insertBefore(iframe,where);var doc=iframe.contentWindow.document;doc.open().write(‘<body onload=”‘+’var js = document.createElement(\’script\’);’+’js.src = \”+url+’\’;’+’document.body.appendChild(js);”>’);doc.close();})(‘http://jpn5.fukugan.com/rssimg/rssimg_iframe.php?key=6901df7dc77ea63d578c311a17d6dbf5&async=1&#8217;)</script>

姉妹サービスのご紹介 複眼RSSのテキスト版です。





<!– 登録内容の復元URL
<!– ping送信先

Ichigo Ichigo
replied 10 years ago

I managed to make it work with another code.. however the content (images) are going over and on the left sidebar.. can I fix that?

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

Hi Ichigo,
I don’t still get the issue yet.

Can you kindly send me your site URL, screenshot of your issue for further checking?

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