Hello, I would like to take the Gallery post format for content-single php. However, the vertical photos do not fit in to the height of the wide-format photos. So when a great photo verticales is set, it is no longer beautiful. (-; Also by the operator, it is also worse then So is it possible that the verticalen downsize photos I hope I have explained it well My English is not so good Thank you greeting Rick
Regarding the vertical images, we can give an instruction on how to display a part of the image.
Please send me a screenshot for further checking, so I can have the exact solution for you.
Hi, I have already done all things well. It now works great. Thank you. Greeting Rick
Hi, I have rel = lightbox to gallery link inserted. this works quite well so far. But the first photos, so the featured photo is not loaded? I can tuen? Thank you greeting Rick
You must insert the featured image to the gallery that you created.
Hi, So I think I’d like the link:
$ output. = ‘<div class=”dw-gallery-item”> <a href=”‘.get_permalink($post-> ID).’ “title =” ‘. get_the_title ($ post-> ID).’ “> ‘;
trade for:
$ full_size = wp_get_attachment_url ($ attachment_id);
$ html = sprintf (‘<a href=”%s” rel=”lightbox[gal]”>% s </ a>’, $ full_size, $ thumb).;
but it does not work. What can I tuen? Thanks for help.
Hi, is there perhaps a solution? Thank you
you could maybe help? I would like if you click on the photo gallery in the center (content-single.php) that they open in my thickbox. Just as I made it up with the “rel”, it does not work. It loads and loads but no picture.
What to tuen and where must the relative in this theme in this gallery view gallery post format so there?
Thank you
I can image that you really want to solve your problems. So, we are willing to assist you. However, we have some questions for you because we need to have a closer look in order that we can give exact solutions for you.
1. Please let me know which plugin you are used to display the thick box?
2. Please give more details about content you want to display inside the thick box?
Give more information in full details, we will help you solve your problem. Also, you can give to me a screenshot for further checking.
Hi Dominic, I used the plugin for it:
I wanted to in the content-single.php in the gallery when you click in the center of the photo, the lightbox opens. This works as above with the rel. but it does not load the first photo as the featured photo. Since then it remains hanging.
Thanks for the help. Greetings Rick
I have checked on my demo and nothing happens. you can send me username & password your site for further checking.
Contact us: http://designwall.com/contact-us/
Hi Dominic, I gave You everything sent. Regards, Rick
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