First of all, thanks for the amazing work on this Theme!
I bought your theme on Themeforest and I need your help in figuring a couple of things out.
- I am trying to make the theme’s questions and BuddyPress profile communicate. What I mean is, when you go to a user’s profile, I’d like you to see the user’s details and the posts by that user (something that looks like this: https://buddypress.org/members/functionmunchkin/) so I can show their posts/subscribes. Also, when I click on username, how do I link to the user’s BuddyPress profile?
- I’d like to allow users upload images with their replies, comments, and new posts. Is their a way to integrate this: http://jsfiddle.net/SjJh7/3/ into the existing Tinymce system? I see you are using Imgur but I don’t think it works for replies because it’s not a tinymce editor. So, could you please provide codes to insert to have an attach link next to the Post Comment button?
- Upvote/Downvote doesn’t work sometimes, I have to refresh. Please advise.
- How can I mention users? (using ‘@’ like twitter)
- When a post/comment that has already been posted was edited, can I have a text that shows ‘edited’ to let users know the post/comment was edited?
Thank you very much
I have answered your question here: https://www.designwall.com/question/add-support-buddypress-mention-autosuggest/
I will help you after getting your info via email.
Hello @Dominic,
It's been a little over 1 week and I haven't heard anything from you 🙁 – Please help! I need to deliver to the client ASAP. Pretty please
1/ At the moment, the plugin just compatible with the Buddypress plugin, we have a document guide to help you configure the theme to Integration with the Q&A plugin:
Note: The plugin does not compatible with the BBpress plugin.
2/ At the moment, we have created a extension to campatible with the plugin and allow you insert a image.
You can test/check on here now. We are using on our forum.
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/fsmtvk
3/ I have checked on our demo and it works fine. However, if you have any issue, you can let me know, we will check and help you resolve it.
4+5/ At the moment, the plugin does not suport this option.
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