I can’t select what number of posts to display like “12” , what to display like ” Display latest site posts” and above all my logos only appear on one colour menu page and not on all categories.?
Once I get to customize on Appearance, it’s keeps refreshing itself like every 2 seconds and I can’t do anything or even save.
What should I do.?
Hi Denzil !
Issue 1:
– If you want to change the number & text in the “Must read article” section, you can log in to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Navigation change the number in the “Number of news” arena.
And open the functions.php file then find the line 885.
Issue 2:
– Regarding to Category logo. To change the logo image in the categories, open the folder in the folder path : wp-content\themes\dw-focus\assets\colors then look for the style folder that you want to change the logo and change the logo image as you wish. (Because each style/color has its own logo) Notice: you need to override my image “logo.png”
Isse3: Once I get to customize on Appearance, it’s keeps refreshing itself like every 2 seconds and I can’t do anything or even save.
– Firstly, please deactivate all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one and let us know if you find the problematic plugin(s). Maybe there is a conflict in plugins.
If you still face these issues, you can send me username & password of your site for further checking (via private answer).
Hope this helps !
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