Marcos Curvello
asked 11 years ago

Hello guys,
I purchased the “DW Focus” theme and I noticed that it does not support translation of timestamps. The wordpress install I am working with is in portuguese and I would like for my timestamps to work in portuguese as well.
Best Regards,
Marcos Curvello

Marcos Curvello
replied 11 years ago

I think I did not make myself clear, the hour, mins, and seconds I already changed in the “functions.php” file what I want is the dates as “January 23, 2014” to be displayed in portuguese.

2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hi Marcos,
You need to install the theme into WordPress in Portuguese 
You can follow the instruction here:
Hope this helps!

Marcos Curvello
replied 11 years ago

Hello Wilfred,

The thing is my wordpress is already installed in “pt_BR” and everything is set accordingly to docs. Still the dates are portrayed in english.

Is there anything theme wise I can do to revert this ?

Best Regards

Marcos Curvello
replied 11 years ago

In my admin panel the under General Settings the dates are displayed in portuguese but viewing the content live in the blog shows dates in english…. frustrating.

Marcos Curvello
replied 11 years ago

nevermind I figured it out, inside theme functions.php I changed the following line:

“return date( get_option( ‘date_format’ ), $from );”
“return date_i18n( get_option( ‘date_format’ ), $from );”

that resulted in the desired translated timestamp, btw this support forum is slacking a bit.

replied 11 years ago

Hi Marcos,
Thanks for your feedback on our support service.
We will improve the service to serve better.

Jakub Glodek
answered 10 years ago

Just wanted to add that there is no translation option in this for a po/mo config.  You HAVE to go to functions.php to make any changes including setting “2 hours ago” or “2 days ago” manually.

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