I would like to have a grid where all the blocks have the same size. Without any super sized blocks which cover 4 normal sized ones. Is this something I should be able to change using any of the settings or should I modify some code somewhere? Where can I find these settings?
Furthermore I would like to remove all visible date stamps from posts, including the clock icon. How do I achieve this? Which lines should be modified?
– At the moment DW Fixel does not support to modify the grid of social wall.
– To remove the all visible date stamps from posts, you can open the content-single.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-fixel”. Remove the line 7.
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/4hkp32
– To remove the date time on the homepage, you can open the content.php file. Remove the line 24 to line 27.
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