DW Social Feed is great plugin, but there is one big problem. I use Wall Classic theme and feeds are to long for category view. I tried different auto excerpt plugins but all of them damage the theme. Also, I tried to add excerpt filter to theme functions.php file but without success.
Is there a way to show excerpt instead of full post in category view? The best, if there is option to show excerpts for specified category(ies).
Thank you Rambu, but this not solve my problem.
It damage my Quotes posts and it not respect my custom “more” setups in posts. I need excerpt function only for posts which coming from DW Social Feed plugin.
I tried your code and also I tried this
function custom_excerpt_length( $length ) {
if(in_category(393)) {
return 20;
} else {
return 200;
add_filter( ‘excerpt_length’, ‘custom_excerpt_length’ );
but without success.
Anyway – thank you for help!
Thanks again, Rambu!
almost good 🙂 excerpt in necessary category is good, but there is problems in main page (see image):
any ideas?
Thank you Rambu,
like always – works perfect! 🙂
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