asked 11 years ago
  1. How could I change cover image section to 1600x1050px (or to cover whole screen)?
  2. How could I place my own logo in the center of cover image section?
2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Apologies for the delay in replying to you. To change cover image section to 1600 x 1050px and place the logo in the center of cover image, you can add the following code to the Header Code (Dashboard > Customize > Custom Code)

.home .banner.cover, .single .banner.cover, .page .banner.cover {
      min-height: 1050px;

Hope this helps !

replied 10 years ago

Thanks for reply.
How could I change cover image to 100% of width and hight of the screen?
I know how to remove site title and tagline but can’t find out how to place image with my own logo in the center?

answered 10 years ago

Apologies for the delay in replying to you. To resolve the issue with the cover image on your theme, I think you should use the image size 1000x800px,  or 1600x1050px.
If you use the image size 1600x 1050px, you can add the following code to the Header code (Dashboard > Customize > Custom Code)

.home .banner.cover, .single .banner.cover, .page .banner.cover {
min-height: 1050px;

– If you place the logo image in the center on the header section, you can refer our answer in the following question:

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