Design GruppoGiusto
asked 11 years ago

Hi, really nice Theme!!!
I would like to know if there’s a way to change the name of Page (ex. Page 1 in Info, Page 2 in About, etc..).
I can change only the first page’s name in index.php, but I can’t do it for the second and for the third.

3 Answers
answered 11 years ago

To resolve this issue please follow my instruction here:
1. Open index.php file in /wp-content/themes/dw-timeline/index.php 
2. Change “Page”  like the following image 

3. Open scripts.php file in /wp-content/themes/dw-timeline/lib/scripts.php
4. Change ‘ Page ‘ as on the screenshot below:

Hope this helps!

Design GruppoGiusto
replied 11 years ago

Thanks! I really appreciate this trick! But with this method i can change “Page 1, Page 2, Page 3…” in “Example 1, Example 2, Example 3…”.
I would like to know if it’s possible to change “Page 1, Page 2, Page 3…” in “About, Info, Download…”. Maybe I must add some string in index.php for any page that I have in the website and THEN change the name….!!!???

answered 11 years ago

Hi my friend,
Unfortunately, at the moment, DW Timeline does not support to change the “Page 1, Page 2, Page 3…” to ” About, Info, Download…” as you prefer .
Let us know if you stuck somewhere. 

Gustavo Torres
answered 10 years ago


You can do as follows:

1) open the ‘scripts.php’ (/wp-content/themes/dw-timeline/lib/scripts.php file)

look for this line:

wp_localize_script ('dw_timeline_scripts' 'infinitescroll', array (
     'page1' => __ ('RELEVANT', 'dw-timeline),
     'page2' => __ ('NEWS', 'dw-timeline),
     'page3' => __ ('gigs',' dw-timeline),
     'page4' => __ ('CONCERT', 'dw-timeline),
     'more' => __ ('MORE', 'dw-timeline),
     'loading_timline' => $ loading_timline,
     'the_end' => __ ('END', 'dw-timeline),
     'show_more_button' => $ more_button

Where ‘page1’, ‘page2’, etc. they depict the name.

2) open the file ‘scripts.js’ (/wp-content/themes/dw-timeline/assets/js/scripts.js)

Open the file and look for this line:

 var separate = $ ('<div data-page = "' + opts.state.currPage + '" class = "timeline-pale dwtl remove full-time-anchor"> <span>' + + '' + opts.state.currPage + '</ span> </ div>');

What I did was conditional, depending on the page that takes the value of the array created in scripts.php

for example:

if (opts.state.currPage> = max) {
                 if (opts.state.currPage == 1) {
                     var separate = $ ('<div data-page = "' + opts.state.currPage + '" class = "timeline-pale dwtl remove full-time-anchor"> <a href="#"> <span>' infinitescroll.page1 + + '</ span> </a> </ div>');

                 if (opts.state.currPage == 2) {
                     var separate = $ ('<div data-page = "' + opts.state.currPage + '" class = "timeline-pale dwtl remove full-time-anchor"> <a href="#"> <span>' infinitescroll.page2 + + '</ span> </a> </ div>');

                 if (opts.state.currPage == 3) {
                     var separate = $ ('<div data-page = "' + opts.state.currPage + '" class = "timeline-pale dwtl remove full-time-anchor"> <span>' + infinitescroll.page3 + '</ span > </ div> ');

                 if (opts.state.currPage == 4) {
                     var separate = $ ('<div data-page = "' + opts.state.currPage + '" class = "timeline-pale dwtl remove full-time-anchor"> <span>' + infinitescroll.page4 + '</ span > </ div> ');

                 $ (opts.contentSelector) .append (separate);
                 $ (opts.contentSelector) .append (elems);

I hope this helps.


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