asked 4 years ago
I just bought your forum plugin.

How to find the codes to insert in the pages?

For example, how do you find a registration form to insert on a page so that Internet users can register for the forum?

Where are all the different codes to be inserted in the pages as needed?

Thank you for your help.

Paris, France
1 Answers
answered 4 years ago

At the moment, all the shortcodes provided in the document of the plugin. The plugin has the following shortcodes:
– List question: [dwqa-list-questions]
– Submit question form: [dwqa-submit-question-form]
– Search form: [dwqa-search-form]
– Submit question for each category: [dwqa-submit-question-form category="catslug"]
– List question by category: [dwqa-list-questions category="question"]
Also, the plugin using the register of WordPPres, you can use a third-party plugin to create a login form.

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