I use the command “next page” to divide my posts onto some different “pages”.
But, the “related content”, at the bottom of the posts, is broken! There are two articles in one line and another one below. (See here)
I think this “broken” situation is happening because this page information above the related content. In my case: “Page: Página 1 Página 2 Página 3”.
If it’s possible, I would like to remove the whole line because it is a redundant information and is breaking the page.
Could you help me?
2 Answers
To resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the style.css file:
.single-post .related-content > p { display: none; }
.single .related-post .hentry { margin-left: 3%; }
Hope this helps !
It works!!! Thank you very much!!!
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