asked 11 years ago

i can inser 1 image there but how i can use this area as a slider? i read the dw oage guide, that is general guide, i need this solution very much.

Kate Smith
replied 11 years ago

I got a solution, using wp ml-slider.2.7.1 plugin but one problem, for free version I can’t control the delay time, the images are moving very fast. 🙁

Tom Hemsley
replied 11 years ago

It is possible to change the delay time in the free version.

Click on the ‘Advanced Settings’ header, there are lots of extra configuration options in there including Slide Delay.

Tom (meta slider author)

Liza Irin
replied 11 years ago

I got the advance setting and change the delay time. 🙂 but for a visitor who is visiting to our website 1st time, finding an extra div/something bad in the slide section. I fail to tell you the matter, may be you can understand if you visit http://companydevelopers.com. Thanks.

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hi Kate ! To control the delay time in Meta slider plugin, you can add the following code to the functions.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-page-modern”.

 function metaslider_flex_params($options, $slider_id) {
    if ($slider_id == 470) { // change 470 to the slideshow ID to be delayed
        $options['initDelay'] = 9000;
    return $options;
add_filter('metaslider_flex_slider_parameters', 'metaslider_flex_params', 10, 2);

Notice: You can add the code under line 1 of the file.
Hope this helps !

Kate Smith
replied 11 years ago

No this is not working. 🙁 May be i did something wrong.

Tom Hemsley
replied 11 years ago

The code posted will delay the start of the slideshow by 9 seconds.

To adjust the delay between each slide, click ‘Advanced Settings’ (on the right, next to your slides) and adjust the ‘Slide delay’ setting – this is available in the free version.


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