On a large desktop monitor the home page looks great…all posts are double grid and there are 3 columns. However, on an Ipad and Ipad mini and I suppose any other tablet, there is only 1 column (double grid) with the responsive mobile view. This looks very odd because there is a lot of space to the right of this 1 column.
Is there an easy fix to to make the columns slightly smaller to accommodate the view on a tablet and would I have to adjust the size of the normal, double and triple grid sizes?
Please send me your site, I will check and help you resolve this issue.
Hi Dominic,
You provided a solution that makes the post one column in portrait view. So currently, there is 1 columns in portrait and 2 columns in landscape. Is there a way to create 2 columns whether it is in portrait or landscape view.
Please send me username & password of your site or only site URL if your site is published. I will check and help you resolve this issue.
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