Benjamin Bruns
asked 10 years ago

I have my theme now translated in German.
My problem now are the widgets. There are still some things in English.
The time is still given in English, for example in widget DW Focus: Categorieand “Headlines DW Focus” is shown 4 hours ago” instead of “Vor 4 Stunden”
And in Single View is at the top “15 July 2014″ instead of “15. Juli 2014

Can you tell me where I can translate it?

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

– To change the Dates in the theme, you can open the locale.php file in the folder path “wp-includes/locale.php”
and open the functions.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-focus”. find the line 292 to line 333.
Hope this helps !

Benjamin Bruns
replied 10 years ago


most of it I have now manage it.
Only the names of the months are still in English. But why should I change the code of the locale.php?
In WordPress the correct translation is specified, only your widgets translate the month names not correct!
If I change the code of WordPress I can do it again after each update, but that can not be a solution?


Dominic Staff
replied 10 years ago

Unfortunately, once updated, many strings have not been updated in the .po file yet. So that you can not translate directly in the language file right now. That’s our mistake. To resolve the problem, would you knindly use the following plugin:
Hope this helps !

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