I can’t see a single post correctly on mobile(android phone).
I can see the header/footer, widgets, and only the title of a single post. The content is not shown and the space is just blank.
How can I fix this?
Please check again your screenshot, I can’t view it. Also, you can send me your site URL for further checking.
Please check my site on sandbox.english-learninghelp.com. Thank you!
I can see the site perfectly on PC but have a problem with mobile…
To resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the Header Code (Dashboard > Customize > Custom Code)
.single .site-content > .hentry .entry-content {
max-width: 100% !important;
Hope this helps !
Thank you, I can see the content of a post, but I have another problem.
First, the site title is too wide.
And the content of a post is a little bit too wide to fit in a screen.
Could you check my site again? Thank you.
You can try the following code:
Note: Please add your image to the http://imgur.com/ site. I can not view all the image that you have sent here.
Dominic, I added your code, and it’s still not working. Could you check it again?I uploaded the image here. http://imgur.com/wStduuV
You can send me username & password of your site (via private answer) for further checking.
Apologies for the delay in replying to you, I have checked your site on our mobile device and still work fine. I think you have resolved this issue.
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