asked 11 years ago

Hi there,

With lack of documentation may I ask that you kindly answer the following please:

1). How to switch off effect of images zooming in?

2). What is the best size to upload featured images?

3). On metro homepage how do I get the featured images to fill the boxes as mine only fill the upper half?

4). Do you use any plugins for the demo page?


Thanks in advance,





1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

1. To switch off effect of images zooming in on the DW Argo theme, you can log in to Dashboard > Theme > customize > Add the following code in the “Header script”


.no-touch.csstransitions .hentry:hover .hover-thumb img {
    transform: none;

2. with the DW Argo Theme, I use the image size 250 x 250px.

3. With the layout “metro content” on the homepage, when you add new post and set featured image it will be shown on the homepage. However, it just display the latest articles.

4.On the DW Argo I use the plugins: Contact Form 7 / DW Twitter / Easy Digital Downloads / Query Posts / WordPress Post Type Archive Links.

Hope this helps !


replied 11 years ago

Hi Dominic,

replied 11 years ago

Code doesn’t work as zooming effect still happens. Any other clues?

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

You can add the following code:

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