asked 3 years ago

Hi, I have a pro and I need to help. Firstly I want to close auto search in ask tittle and question search tittle. 

I want to make ask question question are only text, I want to remove add pictures and others.

I want to remove login page in question page.

And I want to remove tag are in asking quesiton page.

Last one my website is Turkish but question page’s seo tittle is “Questions” I cant change.

Please solve all thanks

1 Answers
answered 3 years ago

– If you want to remove the auto search, you can add the following code to the style.css file:

.dwqa-search .dwqa-autocomplete {display: none; }

– To remove some option in the ask question form, you can use the following css:

.dwqa-content-ask-form .fa.fa-link, .dwqa-content-ask-form .fa.fa-picture-o, .dwqa-content-ask-form .fa.fa-eye.no-disable, .dwqa-content-ask-form .fa.fa-arrows-alt {
    display: none;

– To remove the login form, you can use the following CSS code:

.dwqa-answers-login {display: none; }

– To remove the Tag in the ask question form, you can create the dwqa-templates/styles/default folder in your theme and copy/paste the question-submit-form.php, and fine the line 57 to remove it.

            <label for="question-tag"><?php _e( 'Tag', 'dwqa' ) ?></label>
            <?php $tags = isset( $_POST['question-tag'] ) ? $_POST['question-tag'] : ''; ?>
            <input type="text" class="dwqa-question-tags" name="question-tag" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $tags ) ?>" >
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