Ratchaphol Srichandrabhandhu
asked 10 years ago

Normally we use tags to make some post show on slider. Same here i use “featured” tags to make my post show on main slider
The problem is i don’t want people to see which one is tagged featured, since all article priority are equal
basiccally i want to hide the “featured” category button over the post name.
Thank for help!

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

To resolve this issue, you can do as the following:
– Open the framework.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-argo\inc”. Find the line 81 to line 84.
Replace the following code:

$categories_list = get_the_category_list( __( ' ', DW_TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
if ( $categories_list ) {
echo '<span class="categories-links">' . $categories_list . '</span> ';

With new code:

$categories_list = get_the_category();
echo '<span class="categories-links">';
foreach ($categories_list as $cate) {
if ( $cate->slug !== 'coding' ) {
echo '<a href="'. get_category_link($cate->term_id) .'">'.$cate->name.'</a> ';
echo '</span>';

Note: If you want to remove the “featured” categories tags in the post, you can replace the “coding” Slug with your “featured” Slug: http://prntscr.com/4rnsnt
Hope this helps !

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