How to change the color for category tags above the post?
OpenDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2301 views1 answers0 votes
Does the DW Argo support wordpress 4.1? I'm looking for update.
AnsweredDominic answered 10 years ago • 
1830 views1 answers0 votes
I want to hide some category tabs over the post.
OpenDominic answered 10 years ago • 
1751 views1 answers0 votes
What is your suggested method to add Google analytic code?
OpenDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2510 views1 answers0 votes
Are you open for the showcase site?
OpenDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2503 views1 answers0 votes
How to change the background color?
ResolvedDominic answered 11 years ago • 
2155 views1 answers0 votes
I want the psd theme of DW-Argo
ResolvedKido D answered 11 years ago • 
2703 views2 answers0 votes
Can i change color for each category for my social media website?
ResolvedDominic answered 11 years ago • 
2341 views1 answers1 votes
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