Daniel Nolan
asked 9 years ago


I am using your DW QandA WordPress Plugin and it is awesome. However I just have one question. I have 3 categories of question Ask-A-Brit, Ask-A-Yank & Community Questions. Is there anyway I can create QandA lists of these 3 particular categories so I can create pages and have a list of Ask-A-Brit Questions on the Ask-A-Brit page, the Ask-A-Yank category question list on the Ask-A-Yank page and the Community Questions list on a seperate Community Questions Page? Instead of having questions of with different categories all in one list.

This would just make much more sense for the users of my website.

2 Answers
answered 9 years ago

@Daniel Nolan : When you set up DW Q&A then create a question in an category , you already have it’s category page by click to the category in that question.A Tricky way to resolve your problem is create a page with custom link to that category page. Like this : ![dwqa_category](http://imgur.com/Bc8lyIf "dwqa_category").
If you feel not comfortable with the filter by category , you can go to dw-question-answer/inc/templates/default/question-list.php go to line 37 you can hide it by change the class there :

<?php $class_hide = ""; 
$tax = get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ); 
if ( is_tax('dwqa-question_category') || $tax == 'dwqa-question_category' || is_tax('dwqa-question_tag') || $tax == 'dwqa-question_tag' ) { $class_hide = "hide"; } ?> 
<div class="filter-by-category select <?php echo $class_hide; ?>">
replied 9 years ago

Sorry for being stupid but I really don’t understand. I just want all questions from a category to appear on a page with that category name. Could you please treat me like your explaining it to a child and be really detailed? sorry

replied 9 years ago

@Daniel : Well , there are plenty ways to archive that but i really don’t know what will suit your problem. But the category page already exist when you create a category for DW Q&A.
you can see in the picture here : http://i.imgur.com/sJX2yKL.png?1 , when you click to the category , it’ll redirect you to the category page of that question.

Like this :http://i.imgur.com/ZUGA461.png?1
And then you copy the link, go to menu , add a custom link menu and paste the category link to it like picture i’ve post in the previous answer.
The code i post use to hide the " filter by category" in the category page.
I don’t really know what you want but if you want to have a page like our : http://www.designwall.com/question/category/general-question/
there will be a different way that you need to code more ( i mean you have to create a .php file in your theme to archive the page look like us )

replied 9 years ago

Hello I see wat you mean however my category pages are not being created and when I click on the category to go to the categpry page it says oops! that page cant be found as you can see here http://airforceadvice.com/website/community/question-category/ask-a-brit/

dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

I need to debug directly on your site, please PM me url, admin and ftp credentials of your site. Regards,

replied 9 years ago

is this private?

answered 9 years ago

@Daniel Nolan : hi , i’ve fixed your problem, i think it will work fine from now on, if you have and questions , just ask , we’ll try our best to support you. Glad

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