asked 11 years ago

In the demo, the pages are just a few. If i buy this theme, and let say i will have hundreds or thousand of pages, how the number of pages on the right side of the page will look like? It will listed down? It will be so many of them. How to solve this problem? 

This is because the pagination is not like the normal pagination in WordPress theme

2 Answers
Jackie Lord
answered 11 years ago

I have just discussed with our technical team and we have here a solution for you.
After purchasing this theme, we will help you customize some code in your website. It will let your navigation be shortened according to the following format: page 1, 10, 20, 30… It means that the 1st, 10th, 20th.. page will be displayed, the rest of pages will be hidden and they will be shown when you click on.

replied 11 years ago

There will be another problem, what if visitors want to go to Page 2 if you jump 10 pages?

Jackie Lord
answered 11 years ago

As on the navigation of Facebook, in case your timeline has many posts, your navigation is shortened according to the years, the months of the year will be shown when clicking on. Based on that, your navigation will display with format : page 1, 10, 20… And once you are activating the 1st page, the page 2,3,4…10 will also be shown. You are viewing the page 10 and want to back the page 2, very simple, just click the page 1, the page 2 will be here for you.

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