Hi, I’ve got this theme by Dealotto deal, I’ve installed it both your quick start package and with a normal installation of wordpress, uploading and installing theme and plugins.
But there are some bug that I’m not able to resolve.
Take a look http://www.maimadi.com
– In the header appear an icon
– icons don’t load
– in the back office when I create a product, I can’t set up variants and attributes
I send you an email with access data to the admin panel by your contact page.
Hi Domenico Carbone,
- First issue: We have fixed it directly on your website. Please check.
- Second issue: In order to display the icon on DW Simplex theme: + Go to Dashboard > DW Shortcodes options.
- Un-check on: "Load Twitter Bootstrap css file" and **"Load Twitter Bootstrap javascript file"
** See screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/kmzwd2N.png
- Thirdly: In order to set up Variant Products you can see the user guide at: https://www.jigoshop.com/documentation/variable-products/ And here is an example of variable products that we already setup: http://demo.designwall.com/dw-simplex/?product=cameron-triblend-2 Hope this helps! Regards, Jackie
Hi Jackie,
thank you for the fast support.
I’ve another problem with prices. On the website I’ve inserted 59,90, but in shop and in the detail page appear 59,00.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Domenico,
I have checked your website and this is what I saw: http://i.imgur.com/V0ZVOkm.png
Maybe you have fixed the issue already?
Hi Jackie,
I’ve just fixed it, adding a the correct price in the field as simple product, then I set the product as variable and leave blank the fields for the prices in the variant tab. But I think it is no correct beacuse if a product variant has a different price (56,90) in the shop page and in the detail page appear 56,00.
For now it is not important but in the future this option could be useful.
Hello Domenico Carbone !
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions.
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