Nicolas Poizot
asked 9 years ago

I use wordpress with my book theme and somme plugin like woocommerce.
I just deploy your basic plugin for question.

I can ask a question, but when i want to give an answer it’s not possible. I have check all option in parameters.

But i see that and the submit button doesn’appear.

![enter image description here](’écran-2016-05-14-à-16.24.28.png)

1 Answers
answered 9 years ago

I have checked your screenshot and I think it’s some issue with the CSS. Maybe, conflict CSS with your theme, or another plugin. To resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the style.css file:

.single-dwqa-question .dwqa-answer-form pre.CodeMirror-line {
    background: none;
    border: none;
    padding: 0;
    border-radius: 0;
.single-dwqa-question .dwqa-answer-form  .select-wrap .select {
   width: 10%;
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