asked 11 years ago

Hello WP Expert guys!
How’s going? I am trying to create a custom style, but somehow I am messing things up. Wanna help me out & collect some $tones? 😉
First, go to this page 
At the top right you will see some posts with images (if you can’t see images just refresh the page couple of times). They are some random posts and the style is quite messed up as you can see. Now go toThe second section on left bar you will see some "RECENT COMMENTS". I want to show the random posts by this same style. 
DW started The Anything WordPress section so it might be helpful for others too. 🙂
Thanks in advance.

3 Answers
Jackie Lord
answered 11 years ago

Hi Anik, 
You can try out this third party plugin:
Not quite sure about the style of this plugin, however the features and functions would meet your needs. Please try out and let us know the results.

answered 11 years ago

Jackie that did not work. I’m using advanced random post widget to display random articles. What i need is to correct the styles.

answered 11 years ago

Hi Anik ! 
Please let us know, if you still face there issue

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